Suki's Snapshots

Posed and edited photographs from Final Fantasy XIV for all your aesthetic, reference and/or RP needs!

Commission Status: Open for Offers

Terms of Service

By commissioning me in any kind of way, you are agreeing to the terms of service below.

General Terms

- I have the right to decline any commission that I feel I cannot do, to include content I am uncomfortable with or is out of my range of ability.- I will not take commissions for content that contains hateful or derogatory elements towards a person's race, religion, gender, sex, or sexual orientation.- If the commission includes an original character, I will need their appearance information. This can be communicated through three options (ranging from most preferable to least preferable): .chara file, .cma file, .DAT file, or via any screenshots/descriptions that can be given for reference purposes.- If using the latter two methods for an original character, I will also need to know their weapons and gear you would like them photographed in.- There may be a surcharge if your character requires a lot of any custom, specific or extra features not easily obtained in the game.- All final photographs will be delivered in .png format and will contain no post-processing unless otherwise discussed and paid for.


- Payment will be USD, payed via a Paypal invoice.- Payment will be required before starting the commission.


- When requesting a commission from me, please make sure to be detailed or otherwise sure of what you want. I will be happy to work with you to understand the details, but I cannot read your mind. The more information you provide, the better I can accomplish what you're wanting!- Once the details have been worked out, including sending me any required information for original characters, I will either begin working on your commission or queue it if there are others ahead of you.- When I am able to start actively working on your commission, I will send you a Paypal invoice to pay before I begin.- Depending on my work schedule and the amount of work required for the specific commission, I will have the finished commission finished within a week from when I start it. If anything comes up that would push back that timeline, I will let you know.- Depending on the commission, I may send you WIP shots to clarify details if needed.- Once completed, I will upload the commission for you to access and download as .png files. Depending on the commission, I may also post it onto my social media platforms and will give you the links to the posts.

Usage Policy

- Upon delivery of the finished commission, you have the right to use it however you like. This includes posting them on other social media platforms, sharing them, using them as icons or backgrounds, etc. If you let me know where you would like to share the commission, I can try to post the commission from my own account (if I have one on any particular social media platform) from which you can share/reblog/retweet/etc.

Cancelations / Refunds

- Depending on how far into your commission I am and how much work has already been put into it, I may be able to offer you a full refund. As soon as you know you will need to cancel the commission, please contact me!- If I am roughly 50% done with the commission (having taken the raw screenshots, only taken some of them, etc), then I can offer you a 50% refund and the content I have thus far produced.- If I have finished the commission, I will not refund it.

Contact Me

If you are interested in a screenshot commission, the best way to contact me will be via email ([email protected]) or at my twitter, linked above (@hydaelyngallery).When contacting me, please give me at least a day or two to respond--if I haven't responded by then, feel more than welcome to try sending another message or contacting me through another means; a combination of a full-time job and bad ADHD brain is not the greatest duo.Please keep in mind you are more than welcome to contact me whether you're ready to commission me or not--if you have any questions on prices or what I will need from you in order to complete your vision of project, please feel free to ask!


The purpose of portrait photographs are to capture part of someone's personality. This can be in how they view the world, their hobbies, or simply to look really cool. These are not restricted to setting, content or theme, but will contain and highlight only one character in each photograph/commission.The prices below are assuming variation in pose and use of props (if needed), according to the theme and content requested by the commissioner.

Portrait OptionsPrices
Single Photograph10 USD
Multiple Photographs (2-5 poses/pictures)15 - 25 USD
Multiple Photographs (+5 poses/pictures)35+ USD
-- Additional: Multiple Mods Required+ 25%
-- Additional: NSFW Content+ 50%
-- Additional: Post-Processing [Minor]+ 25%
-- Additional: Post-Processing [Major]+ 50%



Simply put, these types of photographs feature two characters. They do not have to inherently include a romantic or sexual connection to one another, but simply refer to the fact that there are two characters interacting in some way, and the emphasis is on their interaction or them as a pair than as individuals.The prices below are assuming variation in pose and use of props (if needed), according to the theme and content requested by the commissioner.

Couple Photo OptionsPrices
Single Photograph15 USD
Multiple Photographs (2-5 poses/pictures)30 USD
Multiple Photographs (+5 poses/pictures)35 USD
-- Additional: Multiple Mods Required+ 25%
-- Additional: NSFW Content+ 50%
-- Additional: Post-Processing [Minor]+ 25%
-- Additional: Post-Processing [Major]+ 50%



Screenshots containing groups of posed characters, especially more than three at any one time, can be very difficult to do and requires a lot more planning and time than the other commission types. I don't have very many examples at the moment due to this difficulty (and it often requiring the aid of my FC members, depending on how big the group shot is).The prices below are assuming variation in pose and use of props (if needed), according to the theme and content requested by the commissioner.

Group Photo OptionsPrices
Single Photograph20 USD
Multiple Photographs (2-5 pictures)25 USD
Multiple Photographs (+5 pictures)30 USD
-- Additional: Multiple Mods Required+ 25%
-- Additional: NSFW Content+ 50%
-- Additional: Post-Processing [Minor]+ 25%
-- Additional: Post-Processing [Major]+ 50%



While the term 'comics' can seem somewhat specific, this is a very broad category that simply means that instead of a single or series of aesthetic screenshots, there's an element of story or dialogue in addition to everything. This can mean something of a monologue of a character's inner thoughts, an admission of love from one to another, or simply just me trying to re-create your favorite meme.

Comic OptionsPrices
Single Panel10 USD
Multiple Panels (2-5 poses/pictures)35 USD
Multiple Panels (+5 poses/pictures)50 USD
-- Additional: Multiple Mods Required+ 25%
-- Additional: NSFW Content+ 50%
-- Additional: Post-Processing [Minor]+ 25%
-- Additional: Post-Processing [Major]+ 50%

Example One

Example Price for content: 25 USD
- Multiple Panels (2-5)
- Additional: Post-Processing [Minor]

Example Two

Example Price for content: 25 USD
- Multiple Panels (2-5)
- Additional: Post-Processing [Minor]

Reference Sheets

Unlike the other types of screenshot commissions on this list, reference sheets are designed to be as simple and straight-forward as possible, as a base for you to use when you're looking to commission or create art of your character.Please keep in mind that, due to the nature of making an edited reference sheet, minor post-processing tweaks are included in the base price. These tweaks automatically include cropping, color correction, image placement, background removal and thensome.All reference sheet commissions, be they the raw images or edited, will include a front, back and profile shot of the character in their chosen outfit (or lack thereof). Additional images, outfits or busts can be added for an additional charge.

Reference Sheet OptionsPrices
Raw Reference Images15 USD
Edited Reference Images25 USD
-- Additional: Multiple Mods Required+ 25%
-- Additional: Post-Processing [Major]+ 50%
